Two new to me blogs you should follow

I’ve come upon two new blogs this week, one from two friends I made this year at SBL, Jimmy and Jessica Parks, and one from Kris Lyle, who I knew of from my dissertation supervisor and my friend Josh Westbury, but didn’t know that he blogged.  Kris attended the same university where I did my PhD and where Josh is working on his.

Jessica and Jimmy (I’m going to alternate their names so as not to appear sexist) have what appears to be a new blog called “This does what now?”  And, from their coursework this semester it looks like they are going to have a lot of upcoming posts that I’ll be excited to read.  To whet you appetite, you can check out their post entitled: Ancient Hebrew Lexicons.  I’ve recently done a fast read of Cruse, as well as in the past read the introduction to cognitive linguistics he co-wrote, and have been working with BDB and HALOT day in and day out for a year.  I’ll be interested to see if they blend some of that coursework and talk a little bit about the lexicons in light of what they read in Cruse on lexical semantics.

Kris’s blog is called Old School Script.  It’s hard not to love a blog when you click over to it and see the first post on the page entitled “Do words have meanings?”  Check it out that post for a quick primer on lexical semantics.


  • Thanks again for the mention Jeremy! I’ll be curious to hear your thoughts on Clines’ Dictionary of Classical Hebrew. You mention using BDB and HALOT in your current work. Do you make use of DCH at all?

    • No problem. I am really looking forward to reading.

      We haven’t used Clines. I know only what I’ve read about it, which hasn’t been terribly positive, and the little I’ve seen. I’m not sure if you’ve seen Michael O’Connor’s article that dealt with Clines and other recent lexica, but it would probably be helpful for your project. I can send a PDF of it if you haven’t seen it (though I’m sure you have plenty else to read).

      Also from a practical perspective, since Clines is not available in Logos, it would have been difficult (and costly) to make it a part of our workflow. We did use Jenni where we could as well as doing a good bit of translation comparison. And then we used SDBH where it had coverage.