Posts tagged with "Benedict Cumberbatch"

Bandicoot Cabbagepatch

Did you know clicking the link that this post was going to be about Benedict Cumberbatch?

Gretchen McCulloch, a graduate student in linguistics at McGill University and blogger at All Things Linguistic, explains the Benedict Cumberbatch name generator here and here and why some of the names generated work and some don’t.  I admit some names made me smile because I’m not a fan of the new Sherlock on the BBC (aberration is the term I prefer), and I thought some of my friends who are fans of the show might like to see this. I enjoyed seeing a picture of Benedict Cumberbatch with Bandicoot Cabbagepatch underneath it (be aware that there is some language in the name generator that some readers of this blog might find offensive in which case don’t click through).

At any rate, check out Gretchen’s explanation on her blog, which I found through this post on, an also new to me blog that I’ve been enjoying over the last couple of days.