Posts tagged with "Blogroll"

The Stellenbosch Trio of bloggers and more …

So, I’ve added a Blogroll.  It’s not extensive, but these are the blogs I click through to the most.  Some blogs I once read a lot more than I do now, and I’m reading others a bit more than I once did.  With that said, the list will stay in flux.  Many of these folks (though by no means all) are first and foremost fun, even when they write about things that are serious and even though it may be off color from time to time.  In addition, they do not constantly stay embroiled in controversy (except maybe Jim and Joel, but they’re listed for a different reason), which would lead to a lack of fun-ness.  Otherwise they write about things that are generally of interest to me.

Beyond this, the highest level of importance should be attached to what I have now dubbed the Stellenbosch Trio of bloggers.  It seems highly unlikely that one university, whether Ivy League or otherwise, should boast three blogs of such outstanding, dare I say impeccable, quality.  But, Stellenbosch has done thusly …
