Posts tagged with "Christmas"

Happy Holy Days

Dear angry people of the internet,

This is just your annual reminder that the word “holidays” as in “happy holidays” has religious origins in the words “holy days.”  As a Catholic, we still have “holy days” that correspond to what some people call “holidays.”  Perhaps the religious origins are less overtly obvious than “Christmas,” but this is not something to war over.  The only people who should have a problem with the word “holidays,” in my opinion, are people who already have a problem with the word “Christmas” and a certain brand of Protestant Christians who don’t like things like liturgical calendars.  So, next time someone wishes you “happy holidays” maybe just tell them “happy holidays” in return, smile inwardly that the vestiges of religious language are inescapable, and move along.



Funny Christmas Comics

Chris Brady has posted some funny comics on the Dead Sea Scrolls and Christmas.  If you are into comics, I would recommend subscribing to his RSS.  He posts comic strips it seems like a couple of times a week.

Christmas Posts:

Re-struck by How Little Christmas Material is in the Bible

Children’s Hospital Christmas Party a Huge Success

Resources on Matthew’s Geneaology (Mat. 1)

Re-struck by How Little Christmas Material is in the Bible

Today’s New Testament lectionary reading should look familiar.  That’s because it is made up of the lectionary readings from 12/17 and 12/18.  As I noticed that, it made me think of just how little Christmas material there is to choose from when developing the lectionary for this season.  There’s none in Mark or John.  And, Matthew and Luke don’t spend that much time on it either.  And, I guess unless they want to break the readings down into smaller parts, this is the result.

In Case I Don't Get Another Chance to Say it …


Today begins a whirlwind of activity for me and my family.  My five-year-old is in a nativity this afternoon, then the visits begin.  One visit tonight and two tomorrow with a bit of driving in between.  So, I’m not sure how many more opportunities to wish you the best this Christmas.  Thanks for reading and interacting on my blog this year.
