Posts tagged with "Jeremy"

Tv interview

So I went in this morning for a television interview for Catholic Life Television in Baton Rouge. It was my first time to be filmed for a tv segment and was a really fun experience. It was a pleasure to meet Dina Martinez who did the interviewing and Chad Babin (I think I remember that correctly though I’m not certain about the spelling) who did the filming. I was a bit nervous going in, but getting to chat with them for a few minutes ahead of time in front of the camera before the taping started really helped.
The interview was for a series on Catholic identity and the topic was how to study scripture. I’ll let you know when the segment runs in case any readers are in a location where you can watch … that is if you want to.

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What happens when I don't blog for three weeks? …

Original image here

Well, not really … nothing really changed at all.  Jim is still angryJoel is still a dufus.  And, all is right with the world … unless you’re Jim, then everyone’s depraved and there’s very little right with the world.

Anyway, I’m hoping to pick my blogging back up a bit and I’m working on another blog project now that I’ll announce shortly.  #1 BiblioBlogger slot here I come … if you’re into that sort of thing.

Looks like I'll be teaching in the fall…

On the eve of my vacation I got some great news.

Looks I will be teaching two courses related to the Old Testament come this fall. Still have to get some transcripts in and forms filled out, but I would be teaching a course through Loyola University in New Orleans and one through the Diocese of Baton Rouge in conjunction with St Joseph’s Abbey and Seminary college. The one through St Joseph’s spans the whole year so it will be like teaching one and a half classes in the fall.

In addition I will be able to start offering some certification courses through my diocese starting this summer. And that may be an ongoing opportunity.

Super excited to be back in the classroom while still being able to serve in my church parish. The best of both worlds.

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A word about May biblioblog rankings …

There won’t be any, or at least not on time.  I just didn’t want you to panic the day the rankings are supposed to be posted.  I’m going on vacation starting on May 29th and returning on June 6th.

I’m not sure how some of you will survive the time without me.  I suppose you could read someone else’s blog, someone who might blog more than I do anyway.  But, I’m not your psychiatrist.  You’ll have to work through the time without me on your own.

Is it ok to hate part of God's creation?

Just asking because I had to do yard work today. I’d rather do dishes, laundry, clean the bathroom, … you name it. Maybe I should just buy some goats and let them eat my grass …

Or maybe I’ll put in some AstroTurf and set it up like a mini golf course. Feel like I’ve written this post once before … I know I’ve had a Twitter conversation about it. If my yard was a mini golf course then I know I would love it …

I'm going to be on TV

What can I say? I’m beautiful. Not really.

Catholic Life Television, the television station within my diocese, is producing a series on Catholic identity. One of the segments is going to be called “Scripture: Study it.” They are going to be interviewing me.

Seems like it’s going to be a really fun experience. I’m looking forward to it.

The interview is on June 23rd. I’ll let you know if the footage becomes available online.

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My first miracle

I didn’t notice this yesterday but there is a beautiful light emanating from my head in this picture.  Perhaps it is something like a halo or perhaps “the light of God.”  Or maybe it is like Moses’ face shining after his encounter with God.  I think the miraculous nature of this photo is beyond doubt.  I’ve encircled the miraculous light in question, so that you may see it clearly.

The light of God

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My blogging energies are cyclical

I think they are for everyone, well almost everyone, maybe not #1 and #2.

I’ve not been blogging much lately, but this isn’t really one of those “sorry I haven’t blogged in a while post.” I think that is just the ebb and flow of life online or otherwise.  So, if I haven’t blogged to your liking just get over it and read somebody else (except Joel that’s bad for your mind).

I’ve noticed the cyclical nature of blogging energy in some of the blogs that I read by folks who are currently teaching.  It’s May. It’s time for finals. You’ve got exams to give/grade and papers to grade.  The last thing you want to sit down and do is write a blog post.

I sometimes don’t blog because I’m busy with other things (I don’t know like trying to finally finish my dissertation).  I too have been trying to take better care of myself, and that takes time.  Sometimes I’m testing out other things online to like doing more video.  Sometimes I just can’t think of anything to write about.  Sometimes a blog post would oversimplify a complex topic more than I would like.  For whatever reason, I don’t blog, Twitter, FaceBook, respond to emails, …

And, that’s okay because I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and dog-gone it, people like me.

With that said, I think I feel some blogging energy coming back once again.  So, you may want to tune back in for my next peak of energy toward blog world domination … until I slack off again.