Posts tagged with "KJV Only"

My Idea for Countering the Book Burning – It Involves Fire

So, I’ve posted previously about this King James Only church Bible and book burning deal and how I think we can get these folks to lighten up.  But, I’ve decided that we as students of the Bible and Biblical scholars need to take this a little bit more seriously.  That’s why I would like to arrange an online Counter Burning (not like a kitchen counter).  You know, in the past they had Reformations and Counter Reformations.  That’s kind of the idea.  They’re going to burn some really good books and Bible translations and that’s not right.  So on Halloween, I’m going to burn … Well, I’m going to burn part of their website.  That’s right I’m going to burn part of their website (though I would never burn a King James Bible, unless I was freezing), which is full of idiotic statements (e.g. “We are a New Testament Bible (KJV) believing Church”).  I have printed out a copy of the page on their site titled “What We Believe”:



And by God I’m going to burn it!



Some people may think this is childish, but I think it’s an awesome idea that goes back to Biblical idea of “fight fire with fire” (Or, at least if that’s not in the Bible it should be).  Will you join me?  We can all video our burnings and post them on our blogs.

KJV Only Book Burning – My Perspective

HERE is a link to a video on Joel Watt’s blog about an upcoming book burning at a church in North Carolina.  I wanted to give just one thought from my perspective.  Someone needs to sneak in and spike the punch at this shindig.  This is one of the reasons that God has given us alcohol, so that people (of appropriate age and maturity who can practice moderation mind you) can all loosen up and relax a little bit and not end up doing things like burning books.