Posts tagged with "Lexical Semantics"

Two new to me blogs you should follow

I’ve come upon two new blogs this week, one from two friends I made this year at SBL, Jimmy and Jessica Parks, and one from Kris Lyle, who I knew of from my dissertation supervisor and my friend Josh Westbury, but didn’t know that he blogged.  Kris attended the same university where I did my PhD and where Josh is working on his.

Jessica and Jimmy (I’m going to alternate their names so as not to appear sexist) have what appears to be a new blog called “This does what now?”  And, from their coursework this semester it looks like they are going to have a lot of upcoming posts that I’ll be excited to read.  To whet you appetite, you can check out their post entitled: Ancient Hebrew Lexicons.  I’ve recently done a fast read of Cruse, as well as in the past read the introduction to cognitive linguistics he co-wrote, and have been working with BDB and HALOT day in and day out for a year.  I’ll be interested to see if they blend some of that coursework and talk a little bit about the lexicons in light of what they read in Cruse on lexical semantics.

Kris’s blog is called Old School Script.  It’s hard not to love a blog when you click over to it and see the first post on the page entitled “Do words have meanings?”  Check it out that post for a quick primer on lexical semantics.