Posts tagged with "Biblioblog Top 50"

BiblioBlog Rankings June 2010

Well, I took last month off.  I know it was very hard to get on without me, but I’m back to it this month.  You may have noticed how much I have dropped in the rankings.  Because I know that’s why all of you check … “Where is Jeremy at in the rankings this month?”  Don’t worry about me.  I’ll be fine 😉 … Joel on the other hand will never be alright … For the third month in a row he is in the #2 spot behind …. imagine drums rolling …

*** Jim West ***

Check out where everyone else is too …

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A word about May biblioblog rankings …

There won’t be any, or at least not on time.  I just didn’t want you to panic the day the rankings are supposed to be posted.  I’m going on vacation starting on May 29th and returning on June 6th.

I’m not sure how some of you will survive the time without me.  I suppose you could read someone else’s blog, someone who might blog more than I do anyway.  But, I’m not your psychiatrist.  You’ll have to work through the time without me on your own.

The Misogynist BiblioBlog Rankings for April 2010 … (More Cowbell Edition)

By: Gerador Zero

*Update – Sabio Lantz should have been included on this list, but was not. He would have ranked in at #42 with an Alexa of 826739. So, everyone else bump yourself down a notch. My apologies to Sabio for the error.

If you don’t get the title for this post, check out the comments HERE and then this post HERE.

And, the winner is a newcomer ;-), but first a quote from Joel (misspellings and all – I think he means “therefore”).  Here’s something Joel said in the comments section last month: “Thanks for the work, oh, and could you add Jim’s blog? I would like real competition. I’ve tried to buy him off, pray for him, but nothing works to get him to come back. Now, as Number One, I am employing a little known rule which allows the Number One to place someone on the list. There for, in accordance with ancient custom and tradition, for all the Sons of Abraham, I am place Jim West on the list.” …

*Jim West*

And, congrats to everyone else who made the Top 50 this month.  There was one newcomer in Fundementally Changed, but still no individual women bloggers.  I’m not real sure how to handle that situation without it seeming patronizing, but maybe J. K. will post a list once again this month.  But, I promise I really do love women and want to see them happy and successful and here’s why:

My Girls

And, now without further ado … the list:

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Now that the BiblioBlog Rankings …

suck and should die, I suppose I should say a few words.  I don’t think that’s the case.  In fact, I think that what the BiblioBlog rankings really need is more cowbell:

I will try to add a cowbell track to the next set of rankings that I post.

Now, that’s funny no matter who you are!  Okay.  Now that I hope you’ve had a good laugh, you can go back to your debating.

And the BiblioBlogger of the Month for March is …

Once again …

*Joel Watts*

And, congrats also to our new number two BiblioBlogger James McGrath.  He has taken over the spot formerly held by none other than me.  But that’s what happens when James keeps writing good stuff (except all that silly stuff about LOST, which I cannot even begin to fathom why anyone would like that) and I take about a two week hiatus from blogging (in the meantime, I’ve also gotten myself characterized as a poop slinging monkey … but that’s okay I know what Jim really thinks of me ;-)).

We have one newcomer on the list this month debuting in the top 50.  He’s Sabio Lantz at Triangulations.  Be sure to check out his blog.  And, congratulations to everyone else who made the top 50 (except for Joel because he’s lame ;-))!

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And, the #1 BiblioBlogger for February is …

Once again …

*Joel Watts*

Further proof that Alexa does absolutely nothing to take content into consideration, right Joel? 😉  Just kidding … Congratulations to everyone who made it into the top 50 this month.  We’ve got a couple of new blogs this month.  Be sure to check them out: Simul Iustus at Peccator, Font Words, Pastoral Musings and Ma Yitron (sorry didn’t want to figure out how to fool with Hebrew this morning).

As per last month, I mentioned that I have an idea for a new site for the rankings.  I am going to act on that eventually.  But, I’ve been detained by other things this month :-).  Hopefully, you won’t begrudge me that.  At any rate, that will probably be a summer project.

Now, without further ado …

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Your Mid-February BiblioBlog Top 50

Well, I’ve been a bit behind this month, but that’s alright … at least by me.  Anyway, I thought I’d make my first post back after a bit of a holiday (that is Mardi Gras holiday to all northerners) a ranking post to let everyone know where they stand.  And, for most all of you that is below me, except you Joel.  But, I will catch you one day.

To all who have requested being added to the list, I’ll get to you before the monthly rankings.  The monthly ranking is indeed the only thing that really counts.  The rest of the ranking posts are more of updates.

Without further ado ….

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And The BiblioBlogger of the Month for January is …

*** JOEL WATTS!!! ***

Congratulations to Joel and to everyone who has made their way into the Top 50 this month!  We all know that this is the absolute most important part of what we do, and it is certainly a prestigious honor 😉  Anyway, check out where you are (and if I made any mistakes — wouldn’t want the rankings to be tainted) and let your readers know where you landed this month.  I didn’t include the “no datas” at the behest of a few people, so it’s an abbreviated list.

I hope to announce a bit of news this month about the location of the rankings in future months along with some of the additions I would like to make to them.  In the meantime, I’ve started up a BiblioBlogger bookstore and have a couple of other potential ideas for promoting BiblioBlogging.  Only our top bloggers have made their way into the store so far, but I hope to add a couple more of you everyday.  Stay tuned….

[If you sent me your URL to check out for addition to the list this past week, I’ll get to it this upcoming week.]

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Wallace, Cargill, and Goodacre Now in the BiblioBlogger Bookstore

If you missed it yesterday, I started an Amazon store devoted to books written by BiblioBloggers.  Yesterday John Loftus, Todd Bolen, Dave Black, James McGrath, and Henry Neufeld made it in.  Today I’ve added Daniel Wallace, Robert Cargill, and Mark Goodacre.  It is a wonder that some of these guys have any time whatsoever to blog with all of the monographs that they write.  Anyway check them out HERE.


Introducing the BiblioBlogger Bookstore

Four New BiblioBlogs & This Week’s Rankings

Introducing the BiblioBlogger Bookstore

So, I’ve created a new bookstore through Amazon carrying only books by BiblioBloggers.  I’ve got some of the top ranked bloggers in already and will continue to add to it.  So, don’t worry if I haven’t got to you yet.  If some time passes and you visit the store not seeing your books, feel free to drop me a line.  I’ve put the widget in my blog’s sidebar, but you can check it out on Amazon HERE.


Four New BiblioBlogs & This Week’s Rankings