Posts tagged with "Music"

U2 "40" – The Absolute BEST Modern Version of a Psalm

Today’s responsorial reading is from Psalm 40, which gives me the great pleasure to embed the absolute best modern version of one of the Psalms, U2’s “40.”  The lyrics are here.  Today’s reading actually doesn’t include most of the verses used for this song, but it does make use of verse 2, and that was enough reason to post this.  Please enjoy.

U2 – “40” (Live)


Psalm 137 – Rivers of Babylon (Sublime version)

More Music Joel Likes …

Live’s “Heaven” and General Revelation

Regina Spektor’s “Laughing With”


Just Jinjer "What He Means" – More God in Music

While I’m at it, I heard this song on the radio the other day.  A lot God talk.  I think people will resonate with most of it, except some perhaps might not like the “more tolerance” (because the the band may be using a different definition of the word “tolerance” than you prefer … very postmodern) and the “it doesn’t matter what book you read.”  I’m not so uncomfortable with it.  In light of the whole ordeal in Uganda, the message of a more tolerance is resonating with me at the moment regardless of the definition being used.   At least, it’s interesting to hear a band bringing the idea of God into view.  At any rate, it seemed like something James McGrath might like …

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Live’s “Heaven” and General Revelation

Regina Spektor’s “Laughing With”

Live's "Heaven" & General Revelation

I don’t remember much from Systematic Theology class, but I do remember talking about general revelation.  I recall my prof discussing general revelation through certain avenues (mainly creation) being one of the ways that everyone can perceive God’s existence and gain some understanding of him.  I’m not making any commentary on that idea here; I just wanted to point out that I recognized it the other day on the radio of all places.  Check out Live’s “Heaven” below; the chorus goes like this:

I don’t need no one to tell me about heaven
I look at my daughter, and I believe.
I don’t need no proof when it comes to God and truth
I can see the sunset and I perceive (full lyrics here)

I don’t think the band is talking about any particular God in this song, but rather probably would be very inclusivistic.  Enjoy!

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Regina Spektor’s “Laughing With”

Psalm 34 Listening

Psalm 34 has inspired, in my opinion, some of the best Psalmody in modern times within my own church tradition.  Below I’ve posted a YouTube video of one of my favorite responses based on Psalm 34, “The Cry of the Poor,” though this is not the greatest rendition.

The Cry of the Poor (Psalm 34)

Related – Check out some of my other Psalms posts from last week:

Psalm 1 – Translation Comparison

Psalm 103 & Prosperity Thought

Psalm 98 & Assonance

For SBL Rock-n-Roll Lovers

If you’re into ancient texts but also have a penchant for Rock-n-Roll, there’s a pretty cool concert tomorrow night in New Orleans’ City Park.  A local rock band called Cowboy Mouth will be playing (perhaps you know of them, but I’m not sure how big they are nationally).  Unfortunately, I won’t be in attendance, but I’ve heard them live and they put on a great show.  Kind of pricey though because it’s part of a preview party for Celebration in the Oaks, an ongoing Christmas celebration that goes on in City Park in November and December. But, I know for many of you SBL attendees money is no issue, right? 🙂