Posts tagged with "Kindle 2"

Kindle Publishing for Blogs – Has Anyone Tried This?

I was looking at books for my Kindle today and saw the link for Kindle Publishing for Blogs.  I personally could not think of ANY reason why I would want to read a blog on my Kindle or publish my blog for the Kindle.  Of course, I can always read on my iPhone, so maybe that is one reason I cannot see the point.  But, even if that was not possible, the blogs I read often include audio, video, etc., which I imagine would not function well with the Kindle black and white screen.  Has anyone else tried this?  Is there a good reason to subscribe to a blog on the Kindle?

3 Kindle Shortcuts

I’ve been doing a good bit of my Biblical Studies reading on my Kindle.  And, the main problem I was having at first was that it was cumbersome to add notes and mark places in the text.  Also, going into menus to start text-to-speech was a bit annoying as well.  But, here are three shortcuts that have helped:

  1. Notes – Just start typing. This didn’t take so long to figure out once I read the words at the bottom of the screen; however, I was at first going into the menus to add notes.
  2. Bookmark page – “Alt + B”
  3. Start text-to-speech – “Shift + SYM;” The shift button is the up arrow.  This has come in handy as I’ve started using the Kindle while walking on the treadmill.

With these three shortcuts, I’ve come to really, really love the Kindle.  I get my books instantly and they’re cheaper.  My wife doesn’t get angry with me for having my books lying all around.   In addition, I can add the books to my iPhone, so in case I ever need reading material in a hurry I have some on hand.  And, now I can mark up my text with a bit more ease.


Endogamy and Exogamy (Kindle Dictionary Look-up)

Features I’m Liking on My Refurb Kindle

Kindle Text to Speech Not Like an Audiobook

Endogamy and Exogamy

Today was the first time that the dictionary on my Kindle came in handy.  I was reading Niditch’s War in the Hebrew Bible: A Study in the Ethics of Violence and came across the words “endogamy” and “exogamy.”  Should have been able to figure those out based on prefixes and root, but it was early.  So, I used the Kindle word look-up feature (I figured out exogamy after reading the definition of endogamy, but I’ll give you both definitions anyway):

Endogamy: en-dog-a-my n. [ANTHROPOLOGY] the custom of marrying only within the limits of a local community, clan, or tribe. Compare with EXOGAMY.

Exogamy: ex-og-a-my n. [ANTHROPOLOGY] the custom of marrying outside a community, clan, or tribe. Compare with ENDOGAMY.